Sex Therapy

There are many taboos and misunderstandings about sex and sexuality. Within the context of couples therapy/marriage counseling, sex counseling focuses on the experience between the people within the counseling office, your therapist is there to guide you, not be a participant!

One common misconception is that sex should come naturally, be easy, and require minimal effort. The reality is that while some people may be that way, others are not. 

Sex therapy provides an environment where both an individual’s and couple’s needs are heard and respected. You'll receive counseling that helps you define boundaries, explore possibilities, and strengthen bonds. With help, you can lead a happier, healthier, and more satisfying intimate life that works for you.

If you’re ready, just use the button below to schedule an appointment.


Why would I choose sex therapy?

There are many reasons why individuals, and folks in relationships, seek out therapy for sex and sexuality. Below are some common reasons people seek out sex therapy.

  • sexual desire issues, such as mismatched desires or having little to no desire

  • creativity and play

  • boredom in the bedroom

  • guilt about desires

  • faking orgasms and wanting to be honest

  • guilt or shame around sex

  • trauma, such as past sexual assault

  • medical issues that impact current sex life for either or all partners

  • performance issues, such as arousal issues, erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation


I'm nervous. What can I expect?

This is a great question and it’s okay to feel nervous. Here’s what you can expect while in sex therapy.

  • Honest and candid conversations about sex. This sounds easy and simple, but it's very difficult for most people. If you're used to not talking about sex, your own sex life, your experience around sex, orgasms, toys, your desires or fantasies, or anything of your sex life, then this can be extremely scary. The goal is that we slowly have the conversations that are necessary to your healing.

  • Support in having these conversations. This seems like the same things as point one, but what we mean is that we're going to help you have the honest and candid conversations.

  • Keeping your clothes on. There will never be a time during session that yours or anyone else’s clothes will come off. Your therapist will never ask you to disrobe, nor will they disrobe in front of you. You will get the chance speak about your sex life in a way that you may have never done with anyone else. Our hope is that you become comfortable enough with your sexuality during session, that outside of therapy, you’ll have a much more fulfilling sex life.